This Streamlit app animates the dynamics of a random boolean network, a collection of interconnected binary variables with a rule for determining the next state from the current one.
Category: Interactives
Science Sims
During my involvement with the City College Science Sims project, I had the chance to create p5.js sketches to help explain physics and math concepts. These included an interactive ray diagram utilized by faculty to enhance the teaching of optics, a damped spring system and a savings account simulator.
Euclidean to Hyperbolic
A Desmos project which projects a selected (x,y) Euclidean point onto the hyperbolic Poincaré disk. As the distance from the origin of the initial point approaches infinity, its hyperbolic counterpart approaches the unit circle. You can move the input point around in the plane and see how the output changes.
Projectile Motion
A Desmos project which calculates the two possible angles at which to fire a projectile with a given muzzle speed to hit a specified target at (x,y). The project also displays the range envelope for the given muzzle speed where solutions exist. You can move the target around in the window and the calculator will…